I know, I know. Another “About Me”? LOL. I figured I could switch it up and do something different. So, instead of the whole name, age, location, etc I thought I’d share some fun facts. Random, fun facts but things that matter in the grand scheme of things.

1. I’m A 90’s Baby Who Grew Up In The Suburbs

Being born in the 90’s I was able to have the regular childhood that included bike riding, hanging outside, not being able to use the internet if somebody was on the phone and all of that fun stuff before technology advanced and took over lol. On the flip side, I remember being either one out of two and even the only black girl in my classes during elementary school. By the time I made it to middle school, the demographic changed and I was around more of us. It was different but in a good way. There were a lot of things that I was late to like learning real black history, drinking kool-aid.

2. I’m An Introvert

Not one of those extroverted introverts who have a healthy balance between a social life and enjoy staying at home but a true introvert. I love being alone and enjoy my solitude. I love sitting in silence and being left alone lol. I do have friends who love talking to but am known to disappear for days, even weeks at a time while I recharge. New people cause me anxiety until I get to know them and crowded places are the worst. There was never a time where I was considered a social butterfly, but with COVID, working from home the past two plus years and all of these restrictions for when I do try making plans, I’m like… “Maybe outside isn’t so bad.” It doesn’t look like things are going to be changing anytime soon, but being in the house against my will has made me more interested in traveling, holding longer conversations with people and smelling the flowers along the way.

3. I love Reality TV

Because my life is so regular, I like to indulge in trash television. Watching the arguing, fights and all of that other mess help bring some entertainment to me. My favorite would have to be the Love and Hip Hop Franchise and Bad Girls Club.

4. My Favorite Types of Stories to Tell Are The Ones That Follow The Characters Journeys.

When reading, I love nothing more than a well rounded and real character. One that’s flawed and grows as the story progresses. When I’m planning my stories and getting to know my characters, I’m always amazing at them, their personalities and the lives that they have. It’s honestly an honor that I can tell their stories lol. They’re never perfect, have some issues, even traumas to work through before the end of the story and I love unpacking it all with them along the way.

5. My Favorite Romance Movie Is Beyond The Lights

I’ll admit, the list is endless. But this is definitely at the top. The way Kaz loved on Noni PATIENTLY and selflessly was perfect. The way he helped her embrace everything she truly wanted and desired and the way he still looked at her like she was the most beautiful girl in the world once the weave came out, the spotlight faded and she was her real and raw self, phew!

Bonus Question:

One question that I get asked often (and dread answering lol) is why do I write. On paper it seems like such a simple question, but for me, it always causes some overthinking. During my time as a published author, the answer has finally become more clear. The reason that I write is because I have to. It’s a necessity at this point. If I’m not working on a story, then I’m journaling. If I’m not journaling, I’m outlining a new story. If I’m not outlining, then I’m taking notes on something that doesn’t even require it. No matter what it is, I just have to write. Some people cook, some people exercise, some people even draw as a way to keep themselves busy. Release some stress. Or just take their mind off things. Activities that most would consider to be hobbies, but are so much more.

I hope that you enjoyed and were able to learn a bit about me! Until next time, xoxo


A Little While Longer