Choosy Lover

Available February 28th

Now Available for Pre-order!

When every bride's worst nightmare turns into her reality, Poppy Oliver does the only thing she can; she gets in her car, intending to leave everything behind. With her sole focus on veiling her humiliation and heartache, she stumbles upon Hidden Lakes.

Like a snowstorm in the desert, she makes a jarring first impression on the unsuspecting, quaint town. That's when Poppy's path aligns her with local businessman, Everson Atkins. The handsome and intoxicating stranger becomes a much needed distraction for her.

Enjoying the newfound spontaneity he provides, Poppy no longer cares to dwell on the pains of her past. Just as Poppy begins settling into her new life, the tormenting feelings she tried so hard to ignore surface, forcing her to deal with her past, present and ever-changing future.

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Choosy Lover | First Chapter


Hidden Lakes